## version $VER: CManager.catalog 1.5 (26.8.99) ## language catal ## codeset 0 ## chunk AUTH Catalan catalog translation by Lloren Grau MSG_APP_DESCRIPTION Administrador global d'agendes ;Global bookmarks manager GAD_ADD_GROUP _Afegir ;_Add GAD_ADD_ENTRY Afegir E_ntrada ;Add Entr_y GAD_CLONE_ENTRY C_lonar Entrada ;_Clone Entry GAD_REMOVE _Esborrar ;_Remove GAD_REM_GROUP Es_borrar ;R_emove WND_ADD_GROUP Afegir grup ;Add group GAD_GROUP_NAME _Nom del grup: ;Group _name: GAD_OK _Acceptar GAD_CANCEL _Cancel.lar ;_Cancel MSG_USERS Usuaris ;Users MSG_FTP ;FTP Sites MSG_WWW ;WWW Sites MSG_CHAT ;Chat MSG_NAME ;_Name MSG_FIRST_NAME ;First _Name MSG_LAST_NAME C_ognom(s) ;Last Na_me MSG_ADDRESS A_dre ;Addres_s MSG_CITY Ci_utat ;Cit_y MSG_COUNTRY ;Co_untry MSG_ZIP ;_ZIP MSG_COMMENT Co_mentari ;Co_mment GAD_PHONE ;_Phone MSG_FAX ;Fa_x MSG_EMAIL Corr-_el ;_E-Mail GAD_WWW ;_WWW GAD_FTP ;_FTP GAD_TO_WWW Enviar al Navegador ;Send to Browser GAD_TO_FTP Enviar al client FTP ;Send to FTP GAD_TO_EMAIL Enviar Corr-el ;Send EMail GAD_TO_PHONE Trucar al ;Dial GAD_TO_FAX Enviar Fax ;Send Fax MSG_TO_DOPUS Enviar a DOpusFTP ;Send DOpus FTP HELP_REMOVE Esborra l'entrada seleccionada ;Remove the selected entry HELP_ADD_ENTRY Afegeix una nova entrada a la llista ;Add a new entry to the list HELP_CLONE_ENTRY Duplica les entrades seleccionades ;Duplicate the selected entries HELP_EDIT Obre la finestra d'Edici per les entrades seleccionades ;Open the Edit window for the selected entries HELP_SORT Ordena alfab ticament la llista ;Sort alphabetically the list MENU_PROJECT Projecte ;Project MENU_ABOUT Sobre... ;About... KEY_ABOUT MENU_ABOUT_MUI Sobre MUI... ;About MUI... MENU_OPEN Obrir... ;Open... KEY_OPEN MENU_SAVE Desar ;Save KEY_SAVE MENU_SAVE_AS Desar com... ;Save as... KEY_SAVE_AS MENU_QUIT Sortir ;Quit KEY_QUIT GAD_ADVANCED_OPTIONS _Opcions avan ;_Advanced options GAD_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN Conne_xi ;Anon_ymous login GAD_USERNAME Nom d'_usuari ;_Username GAD_PASSWORD Contrasen_ya ;_Password GAD_ADT Servidor A_DT ;A_DT server GAD_QUIET Mod_e silenci ;_Quiet GAD_RETRIES d'in_tents ;_Retries GAD_COMPRESSION Comp_ressi ;_Compression GAD_PORT _Port ;P_ort HDR_NAME ;Name HDR_COMMENT Comentari ;Comment HDR_SITE gina/Servidor ;Site HDR_EMAIL Corr-el ;EMail WND_EDIT_USER Editar usuari ;Edit user WND_EDIT_WWW Editar dades de la p gina WWW ;Edit WWW site data WND_EDIT_FTP Editar dades del servidor FTP ;Edit FTP site data GAD_EDIT E_ditar ;E_dit GAD_SEARCH C_ercar ;_Search GAD_FROM_TOP Desde l'_inici ;From _top GAD_BACKWARDS _Enrera ;_Backwards MENU_OPTIONS Base de dades ;Database MENU_SEARCH Cercar... ;Search... GAD_SEARCH_FOR Cercar _per: ;Search _for: MENU_IMPORT Importar ;Import MENU_V_HOTLIST Favorits de Voyager... ;Voyager Hotlist... MENU_THOR_USERS Llista d'Usuaris de THOR... ;THOR User list... MENU_IB_HOTLIST Favorits d'IBrowse... ;IBrowse Hotlist... MENU_AWEB_HOTLIST Favorits d'AWeb... ;AWeb Hotlist... MENU_AMFTP_PROFILES Perfils d'AmFTP... ;AmFTP Profiles... MENU_DOPUS_FTP Servidors FTP DOpus ;DOpus FTP sites MENU_MD_ADDRESSES Agenda de Microdot 2... ;Microdot 2 Addressbook... MENU_YAM_ADDRESSES Agenda de YAM... ;YAM Addressbook... MENU_STFAX_PHONEBOOK Agenda de STFax... ;STFax Phonebook... MENU_AMIRC_SERVERS Servidors d'AmIRC... ;AmIRC Servers... MENU_SETTINGS Ajustaments ;Settings MENU_CMANAGER Contact Manager... ;Contact Manager... MENU_MUI MUI... ;MUI... GAD_ALIAS A_lias ;_Alias GAD_SORT _Ordenar ;_Sort MSG_ABOUT Contact Manager %ld.%ld\n\ 1998-1999 per Simone Tellini\n\ cies a Oliver 'Olli' Wagner per la seva ajuda.\n\ cies especials a Federico 'x-Fede' Pomi,\n\ Luca 'ElleDi' Danelon, Gian Maria 'Giangi' Calzolari,\n\ l'equip \"This doesn't werk, you suck!\",\n\ Alex 'Leto' Pagnoni i tots els nois de #amigaita.\n\ Basat en una idea de Chris Wiles. ;Contact Manager %ld.%ld\n\ 1998-1999 by Simone Tellini\n\ ;Thanks to Oliver 'Olli' Wagner for his help.\n\ ;Special greetings to Federico 'x-Fede' Pomi,\n\ ;Luca 'ElleDi' Danelon, Gian Maria 'Giangi' Calzolari,\n\ ;the \"This doesn't werk, you suck!\" team,\n\ ;Alex 'Leto' Pagnoni and all the #amigaita guys.\n\ ;Based on an idea of Chris Wiles. GAD_MORE ;_More MSG_REGISTERED Aquesta c pia de CManager est registrada a\n%s (%ld) ;This copy of CManager is registered to\n%s (%ld) GAD_WEBMASTER Mantin_guda per ;Web_Master MSG_NOT_SAVED S'han fet alguns canvis!\n\ vols fer? ;Some changes have been made!\n\ ;What do you want to do? ANS_SAVE_QUIT_CANCEL *_Desar|_Sortir|_Cancel.lar ;*_Save|_Quit|_Cancel MENU_JOIN_CHANNEL Unir-se al canal ;Join channel HDR_CHANNEL Canal ;Channel HDR_SERVER Servidor ;Server GAD_CHANNEL Cana_l ;C_hannel GAD_SERVER _Servidor ;_Server GAD_MAINTAINER Mantin_gut per ;_Maintainer GAD_NICK _Nick ;_Nick GAD_WEB_SITE gina web ;_Web Site WND_EDIT_CHAT Editar el Canal d'IRC ;Edit IRC Channel MSG_PATHS Favorits ;Hotlists GAD_V _Voyager ;_Voyager GAD_IB _IBrowse ;_IBrowse GAD_MD2 _Microdot II ;_MicroDot II GAD_YAM ;_YAM GAD_STFAX STFa_x ;ST_Fax GAD_AWEB AWe_b ;_AWeb GAD_AMFTP Am_FTP ;Am_FTP GAD_AMIRC AmI_RC ;AmI_RC GAD_USE _Usar ;_Use GAD_SAVE _Desar ;_Save GAD_SILENT_SCAN Escandallament si_lenci ;Si_lent Scan HELP_SILENT_SCAN Si actives aquesta opci , Contact Manager\n\ re-importar els teus favorits si han estat\n\ canviats sense preguntar. ;If set, Contact Manager will re-import your\n\ ;bookmarks if they have changed without asking\n\ ;for confirmation. GAD_FROM_LOCALE _Agafar de Locale ;_Get from Locale HELP_COUNTRY Entra aqu el nom del pa s on vius ;Enter here the name of the country you live in GAD_COUNTRY_CODE Codi de Pa ;Country Code HELP_COUNTRY_CODE El prefix de tel fon del teu pa ;Your country telephone prefix MSG_HOTLIST_CHANGED Els favorits \"%s\" han canviat.\n\ Vols que els importi altre cop? ;The hotlist \"%s\" has changed.\n\ ;Shall I import it again? ANS_OK_CANCEL *_Acceptar|_Cancel.lar ;*_Ok|_Cancel HELP_USER_IMAGE Prem aqu per canviar l'imatge ;Click here to change the image GAD_MOBILE ;Mo_bile MSG_ON_DOUBLE_CLICK Do_ble clic: ;_Double-click: HELP_DOUBLE_CLICK a realizar quan es premi dues vegades sobre entrades FTP o WWW ;Action to perform when double-clicking on FTP or WWW entries MSG_EDIT_ENTRIES per editar entrades WWW/FTP ;to edit WWW/FTP entries MSG_START_SCRIPT per iniciar gui ARexx ;to start ARexx script MSG_SCRIPT_AND_CLOSE per iniciar gui ARexx i sortir ;to start ARexx script and quit GAD_DOPUSFTP D_Opus FTP ;DOp_us FTP MSG_DOPUS_FTP DOpus FTP ;DOpus FTP MSG_LOCAL_LISTER Lli_sta Local ;_Local lister MSG_DEFAULT_FTP _Objectiu FTP per defecte ;_Default FTP target GAD_OPEN_URL Usar _OpenURL library ;Use _OpenURL library MSG_DIALLER Trucades ;Dialer GAD_USE_DIALLER Usar sistema intern per trucades ;Use internal dialer MSG_USE_EXT_DIALER Usar una interf cie externa ;Use external dial interface GAD_DEVICE Di_spositiu ;_Device GAD_UNIT Uni_tat ;Uni_t GAD_SHARED Mode Compart_it ;S_hared GAD_INIT_STRING Inicialit_zaci del m ;_Modem init GAD_DIAL_COMMAND C_omanda de trucar ;Dial c_ommand MSG_PROGRAMS Programes ;Programs GAD_MAILER C_orr-el ;_Mailer MSG_SCRIPT ;Script MSG_PATH ;Path GAD_IRC ;_IRC GAD_PROGRAM _Programa ;_Program MSG_LOCALE Locale ;Locale MSG_MISC ;Misc MSG_DIALER_PLACEHOLDERS (%s ser reempla at per el n mero de tel fon a marcar) ;(%s will be replaced with the phone number to dial) MSG_DIALLING Marcant %s...\n(intent %ld/%ld) ;Dialling %s...\n(attempt %ld/%ld) ERR_NO_DEVICE No puc obrir l'unitat %ld de %s! ;Cannot open unit %ld of %s! GAD_REDIAL_DELAY _Retardament entre intents ;_Redial Delay GAD_REDIAL_ATTEMPTS d'i_ntents ;R_edial Attempts MSG_WAITING Esperant... (%ld) ;Waiting... (%ld) ANS_RETRY_CANCEL *_Reintentar|_Cancel.lar ;*_Retry|_Cancel MSG_PHONE ;Phone MSG_MOBILE ;Mobile GAD_MODEM_TYPE Tipus de m ;Modem t_ype ERR_MODEM_NOT_RESPONDING dem no respon.\n\ engegat? ;No response from the modem.\n\ ;Have you turned it on? GAD_ICQ ;IC_Q MSG_TO_CLIP Copiar al portapapers ;Copy to clipboard MSG_HOME Particular ;Home MSG_BUSINESS Lloc de treball ;Business MSG_NOTES Notes ;Notes GAD_DEPARTMENT Departa_ment: ;_Department: GAD_JOB_TITLE _rrec: ;_Job Title: GAD_OFFICE O_ficina: ;O_ffice: GAD_COMPANY Compan_yia: ;Compan_y: MSG_LIMIT Has arrivat al l mit per la\n\ versi demo.\n\n\ Considera el registrar-te. ;Sorry, you have reached the limit for\n\ ;the demo version.\n\n\ ;Please consider registering. MENU_DFA_ADDRESSES es DFA... ;DFA Addresses... GAD_DFA ;_DFA MENU_UMS_GOODNEWS UMS - Adre es GoodNews... ;UMS - GoodNews Addresses... GAD_GOODNEWS UMS - GoodNe_ws ;UMS - GoodNe_ws MENU_UMS_PINT UMS - Adre es PINT... ;UMS - PINT Addresses... GAD_UMS UMS - _PINT ;U_MS - PINT GAD_SAVE_ON_EXIT Desar al sor_tir ;Save on e_xit HELP_SAVE_ON_EXIT Si est activada Contact Manager desar la\n\ base de dades autom ticament al sortir\n\ si s'han produ t canvis. ;If set Contact Manager will automatically\n\ ;save the database when quitting, if changes\n\ ;were done. MENU_STRICQ_USERS Usuaris d'STRICQ... ;STRICQ Users... GAD_STRICQ_USERS Usuaris d'STRIC_Q ;STRIC_Q Users MSG_SCRIPT_AND_ICONIFY per iniciar gui ARexx e iconificar ;to start ARexx script and iconify GAD_PGP_ID P_GP ID ;_PGP UserID HDR_LAST_NAME Cognom(s) ;Last name GAD_DONT_MOVE_COLUMNS _Fixar columnes ;Don't move col_umns HELP_DONT_MOVE_COLUMNS Si est activat, l'ordre de columnes en la secci d'usuari no canviar utilitzant el criteri d'ordenaci ;If set, the column order in the user section\n\ ;won't change according to the sort criteria used. GAD_LOG_CALLS Guardar a GenesisReport ;Log to GenesisReport MSG_BUSINESS_MOBILE bil d'empresa ;Business mobile HDR_LAST_MODIFIED ltim modificat ;Last modified HDR_LAST_VISITED ltim visitat ;Last visited MSG_TELNET Telnet ;Telnet HDR_HOST ;Host GAD_HOST _Host ;_Host GAD_LOGIN _Login ;_Login WND_EDIT_TELNET Editar Host per Telnet ;Edit Telnet Host GAD_SSH ;_SSH MENU_EXPORT Exportar ;Export MENU_EXPORT_URL_HTML URLs com HTML... ;URLs as HTML... MENU_EXPORT_WWW_HTML gines Web com HTML... ;Web sites as HTML... MENU_EXPORT_FTP_HTML Servidors FTP com HTML... ;FTP sites as HTML... MENU_EXPORT_USERS_CSV Usuaris com CSV... ;Users as CSV... MSG_GET_DB_DIR Seleccionar el directori per la base de dades de CM... ;Select the directory for CM's database... ANS_SELECT_CANCEL *_Seleccionar|_Cancel.lar ;*_Select|_Cancel MSG_NO_DIR_WARNING Compte! CManager no funcionar correctament si\n\ no li proporciones un directori on desar\n\ les seves bases de dades!\n\ Vols seleccionar un directori ara? ;Warning! CManager won't work properly if\n\ ;you don't provide a directory where to store\n\ ;its databases!\n\ ;Do you want to select the directory now?